A new motion philosophy
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M.M.E. is a contemporary dance method founded by Matteo Mascolo in 2018. Classes are held in guided improvisation and aim to give dancers, from beginner to professional level, the opportunity to learn and deepen their natural movement.
During the practice, students are guided initially toward a purely anatomical search, in which attention is focused on breathing and the way the musculoskeletal system articulates. Once an awareness of the body is established, the physical research is joined by the special one, based on five senses, and emotional research. Attention is turned as much outward as inward, so as to identify the emotions that drive us to movement and concretize them into gesture. Dance is thus used as a true means of communication. We do not dwell on aesthetic beauty alone, but neither do we exclude it, because form encourages all languages, as long as it is accompanied by content and not driven by ego.
Mindful Movement Exploration aims at a deep quest: the union of body, soul and mind. It is another way of experiencing dance. It is an opportunity to express what our listening notices in the present moment.
Classes are creatively conducted in different ways. The duration usually varies between 45 and 75 minutes since working on oneself requires a lot of attention and a substantial amount of energy, both physical and emotional. Each practice is suitable both for people who simply, even without a technical background, want to dance and gain new awareness through movement, and for professionals who aspire to go beyond their limits. Classes are divided by level or designed to welcome mixed groups. On each occasion there is a judgment-free environment, a space that fosters each student's progress.

If you want to receive more information, please contact me at the email address info@matteomascolo.com or:

Jade Pham
I had the chance to attend one of Matteo's class (Mindful Movement Exploration) in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote. A Beautiful and liberating experience! He knows how to smoothly guide exercises to reconnect you with your body, your feelings, and dance from it. Overall a wonderful dancer with a calm, grounded presence, and an inspiring contemporary dancing style. Thank you Matteo!!

Giada Biglieri
Matteo è una persona che sa consigliarti e aiutarti senza giudicarti e che sa metterti a tuo agio. Il lavoro con lui è molto stimolante e interessante, sia fisicamente che mentalmente. Grazie al lavoro di improvvisazione in Mindful Movement Exploration, ogni pratica diventa una scoperta del proprio movimento. Nonostante non ci conoscessimo ho trovato da subito una bella intesa.

Gladis Sanchez
En cuanto entré en la sala, sentí una energía meditativa y espiritual, incluso solo en la forma en que Matteo saluda. Cuando empezamos a bailar, me llevó más allá de inmediato. No importa si no recuerdas los pasos, desde el principio sientes que quieres seguir los movimientos con el corazón. Me emocioné mucho en este lugar mágico que te transporta al arte de la vida. Gracias.